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Aromatherapy For Animals

Information Guide 


Benefits of Aromatherapy for Animals



Aromatherapy is often used by human therapists to help their clients relax, relieve stress, and encourage health and well-being. But what about your animals? Can you use aromatherapy to help them? Absolutely! In animals, aromatherapy reduces behavioural issues such as anxieties, obsessive behaviours and aggression, and physical conditions such as skin problems, arthritis, allergies, and more.


Aromatherapy affects chemical changes in the brain, which then causes physical and psychological changes in the body.


Instincts and emotions such as pain, pleasure, anger, or fear can be heightened or subdued. Stress, a major cause of disease, is reduced through the use of Essential Oils, and a sense of well-being is introduced. Reducing these stressors then allows the body to begin to heal naturally. 

Essential Oils support the whole body in an effort to heal the problem and restore the body to health, instead of simply treating or masking symptoms.




The same essential oils and blends that we use on ourselves are not always safe to use on our dogs, cats, birds, horses or other pets. Cats, for instance, are especially sensitive to essential oils. Many essential oils, including tea tree, are said to be quite toxic to cats. My understanding is that their systems, particularly their kidneys, are not able to safely process essential oils.


Like veterinary medicine, animal aromatherapy should be considered its own field. Even if you have a solid foundation in aromatherapy and essential oil safety for humans, special care and knowledge needs to be considered when utilizing aromatherapy and essential oils on or near our precious pets.

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