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If you need safe and secure then you will have a under lying fear, worry about simple situations, and worry about the unknown, fear is a natural emotion but when it takes over your life or is more then a blip then your running on your fight or flight coping mechanism, which takes your body in to the stress mode, which causes disease within your body.

Take safe and secure when you want to feel more safe within you and your surroundings, if you have stage fright or going to the dentist, doctors, heights, it will bring about reassurance, a sense of knowing and giving back your power. when we are in our power, we automatically, give off an more uplifting vibration for success and every little success brings about letting go of fear and worry.

Essences are very underestimated, but if you get the right essences they can be life changing. So if you would like a more in depth and consultation please send me a message from the contact page.


Pets love essences, and are more in tune with vibrational essences, then us, they don't have the hangs up‘s we have or the resistance to change as we do.

Even though they do have the fight, flight and freeze response as we do. and if they are in that response all the time, this leads to unwanted behaviour, on a emotional and psychologic level.

Use safe and secure when your pets have fear or worry, their bodies might shake all over, use when going to the vets, or you may want to give them to lead up to the dentist, travelling, trimmer, any nervousness that could get out of hand.

It is designed to bring relaxation and sense of trust, to bring better connection with their humans and surroundings.

How to take: Can be given directly in to mouth, in food or even water.

This can be given to all pets and people, please note this does not substitute medical treatment and please seek veterinary or doctors advice if needed.

Size: 25ml

Safe and Secure Essences

SKU: 0006
  • For Pets and People

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