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Crystals have been around for thousands of years, and have alsorts of healing properities with both humans and animals. 


An animals body has up to 13 main chakras (or energy points), but has thousands of atoms around the body, like us has a magneticfield.


All crystals have a charge which when positioned correctly and the right crystal is choosen can help the body's natural energy flow to be restored.


When the body is suffering injury or disease its normal energy flow is disrupted. The crystals help to resolve this, thus facilitating the body to heal itself.


You dont just have to have a therapist out to do treatments,  you and your horse can enjoy the healing energy of crystals while out and about, weather going for a walk in hand or in the show ring. 

Every physical aliment or illness has an emotional and psychological effect and vice versa, by keeping a healthy energy flow, you get a whole holistic approach. 


For instance, an horses throat chakra influences the respiratory system, and has an effect on the lungs, forelegs, paws, mouth, breathing, coughing, and much more.


I have designed my own brands to help with the following: 


Free and Flexible: Working with the solar, sacral and base chakra.

This is to assist with relaxation with the muscular and skeletal system, when muscles relax, it has effect on the fasicia, soft tissue and the skeletal, which gives more flexiblity through the body.


Safe and Secure: Working with the Base, Sacral and Crown Chakra.

When horses seem they are out of body and have a wild look in their eye, and are very figity, and flighty, it helps ground them back in to their body feeling their feet and blending with the earth, so they can listen and cope more with what your asking of them. 


Clear and Communicate: Working with the throat and heart chakra, to support the respiratory system, lungs, and airbourne allergies.


Ride and Relax: Working with the sacral, solar, base and the alta major chakra, suppports relaxation and can bring calm confidence energy. 

Does your horse spook, jogs alot, energy heightens, naps a lot. 


Please seek 


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