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Like people, animals are not born with behavioural or psychological disorders, these behaviours are learnt or learnt associations by us.


Even though our animals are domesticated, they still have the wild DNA and natural instincts of their wild ancestors.


Dogs are extremely clever and live in the present moment, they don’t have the hang ups like we do, they live moment by moment, and feed 100% off our energy, so where does our energy come from, it comes from our thoughts, which in turn trigger an emotion, which then triggers a physical disease. Our pets will match our energy and will reflect it back through their behaviour. I will talk more about this in my 121 sessions with you.


So what you will get from me in a session, you get a complete understanding and balance between owner and pet/s.


As a dog nutritionist, i know diet has a lot to do with behaviour, so we will look at diet and how you can improve diet if needed, their is alot of dogs ive worked with over the years and by making a few simply changes with nutrition it has made a hugh difference.


Exercise, exercise is a big one, as i said earlier they have the dna to their wild ancesters, and they cover a lot of ground hunting for food over a 24 hour period, the same is for our domesicated pets, they still have the mind set and natural instincts of these majestic beings, so mental stimulation, is just as inportant as physical excercise.


Mindset, mindset is really important as i said our thoughts and attitude really can have a hugh effect on your pets and you might not even know it.


Associations, is your pets behaviour learnt through associations, as i said earlier they are very clever, but the good news is, this can easily be changed and you can create something new and even better for you and your animals.


Natural remedies; i believe what they would source out in the wild for calmness, digestion and wounds etc is just as important, to give them the option if needed, so i will come with my collection of essential oils and flower essences, that they can naturally choose themselves, to support the changes that they will go through to be more calm and less reactive.


Leadership: Dogs are looking for confidence and leadership, and its up to us to give that to them, like they would in the wild, most of the reasons, dogs react are because we are not giving off the right signals to give them confidence that they feel safe and secure and they can trust us to take the lead, thats why you will always get them behaving better for one family member than the other, i will give you tips and talk about tools that you can use to assist both of you for a better relationship.


The first initial consultation and session is £120, thats all you might need it will then be £65 for every session after that.


I can do package deals, if more than 2 sessions are needed, a quote can be given on request.

Canine Behaviour Sessions

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